Sponsor a Child! (For Canadian Donors)

Jacaranda Kids Canada offers two types of sponsorship: Education Sponsorship & Holistic Needs. Each of these sponsorships will make a lasting impact in a child's life by not only giving them hope but preparing them for the future.

Education Monthly Sponsorship - For $40 a month, your sponsorship provides a child with school fees that their family cannot afford along with a daily meal at school. They will also receive a family connection to Jacaranda Community care workers, follow up and a place to belong.

Holistic Needs Monthly Sponsorship - For $55 a month, provides educational sponsorship plus additional needed health services and follow up with the family, assessment, on-going health care.

Option 1: General Sponsorship

Sponsorship Options


Sponsor a child from our URGENT list 

These children are on our URGENT list because they have immediate medical needs or their education is at a critical turn and requires further support. Simply click on one of the children's pictures and select which type of sponsorship you would like to gift the child with!